
Europe on the breadline: Naples, city of the hard luck story

Jon Henley is travelling through Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece to hear the human stories behind the European debt crisis. He arrives in Naples where the recession could hardly make things seem worse
Europe on the breadline: live tour – interactive

Europe on the breadline: Naples, city of the hard luck story

Jon Henley is travelling through Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece to hear the human stories behind the European debt crisis. He arrives in Naples where the recession could hardly make things seem worse
Europe on the breadline: live tour – interactive
rubbish in naples
Uncollected rubbish piled up in Naples, a city in a 'state of permanent crisis'. Photograph: Salvatore Laporta/AP
I landed in Naples on Saturday evening. The writer, broadcaster and Italy pundit William Ward, who has kindly put me in touch with several Neapolitans, writes to warn:
"You will notice Naples has the air of a grand metropolis to it: in the Middle Ages it was for a while the second largest city in Europe after Paris, but it's kind of been on a downward spiral ever since. It is the city of the hard luck story par excellence – and is in a state of permanent political/social/economic and logistical crisis (in the sense that the current economic emergency could hardly make things seem any worse).
• If you have a story to tell, know a person I should talk to or live in a place you think I should visit, please contact me: jon.henley@guardian.co.uk, or @jonhenley (the hashtag for this venture is #EuroDebtTales)

source : http://www.guardiannews.com/uk-home

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